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Have you been in the shower and found yourself not sure if you washed your face?  Have you found yourself driving to work and starting to think about the things you must do, the meetings you need to attend, the things on your to do list, what you could prepare for supper and find yourself in the parking lot not being able to recall the details of the drive?  

These are typical examples when we are physically in an experience, but our mind is wandering and our thoughts and attention drift aimlessly from one thing to another.  One could say you are driving on autopilot.  Studies have found that we spend 47% of our life on autopilot.  This has also been described as waking sleep state, while we are physically awake our mind is disengaged, preoccupied, and distracted.

In waking sleep state, where the mind is wandering, we are ineffective and inefficient.  When the same thoughts repeat, or we dwell on thoughts the thought does not fully develop and stays incomplete.  A wandering mind can be unclear and foggy, and this lack of clarity makes decision making challenging.  When we are stuck in thoughts about the past that we can’t let go of or we obsess about the future we can feel overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed.  When the mind is preoccupied, it is difficult to truly connect with where people are and to relate to them in a way that makes them feel seen and heard.

It follows that if we could achieve a fully awake state and focus the mind, we could be happier, perform at our peak and cultivate meaningful relationships.  So how do we go from waking sleep to fully awake?  Neuroscientists have shown that the brain can change and adapt through life.  This concept of neuroplasticity suggests that with intentional practice and training we can rewire our neural pathways and develop new habits and skills.  Amisha Jha, a prominent neuroscientist, and researcher says we need to train our brain to achieve peak performance.  

Mental fitness offers the opportunity to develop emotional and psychological well-being, improve resilience, self-awareness, and cognitive health.  Shirzad Chamine, author of Positive Intelligence describes mental fitness as the capacity to respond to life’s challenges with positive rather than a negative mindset.  

In a world filled with distractions and a wandering mind, cultivating mental fitness becomes the key to unlocking our full potential and embarking on a journey of personal growth.

Invest in your mental fitness today and discover the power of a focused and resilient mind. If you are ready to embark on a journey of enhancing your mental fitness, consider exploring the Positive Intelligence program – a transformative approach to cultivating a resilient and empowered mind.

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